Earlier this month, CHASSE Tuscon partnered with Walter Douglas Elementary’s food service staff to provide a flight-themed pancake breakfast to nearly 270 Walter Douglas students! Each pancake was hand-airbrushed with a picture of a fighter jet, which matches the school’s ongoing theme of Taking Flight.
CHASSE Building Team is currently reconstructing Walter Douglas Elementary School! The rebuilt Walter Douglas campus will integrate flight-themed elements across the campus, both functionally and aesthetically. The new buildings feature a metal exterior, similar to those featured on aircrafts and aircraft hanger buildings. The school will feature themed pathways like the “Flight of the Bumblebee Trail”, a “launching pad” that will provide a space for flight-related experiments and lessons, a flight deck balcony, jet liner windows that can be closed with a sliding shade, and a cock pit alcove that offers amazing views of the Catalina Mountains. The building is designed to provide students an understanding of what it’s really like to fly! Construction of the rebuilt campus is scheduled for completion in August.
Thank you to the Walter Douglas staff for helping us host this pancake breakfast. It was so great to have another reason to celebrate the new school with the students. Special thank you to the food service staff for all of their efforts to help execute the breakfast, including cooking all of the pancakes. We appreciate you!
Check out a recap of our pancake breakfast in the news video below, courtesy of KOLD News 13!
For progress updates or more information on the Walter Douglas Elementary rebuild, visit https://walterdouglas.chasse.us/.
For more information on how CHASSE is “Building to make a difference…” in Tuscon, check out the news articles below!